"Pioneers of the Fringe"

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The story of jessica migrating to Australia with her mother & sister Millie to meet their father; growing tomatoes and other produce in her community of Austral NSW & meeting her husband Dinko. Dinko also talks about migrating to Australia & his difficulties adjusting.
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03/11/2012 - at22:54

Hello dear nice to meet you,
My name is Miss Aja,
i became interested on you after going
through your mail, I wish to be in a good relationship with you
and beside i have some thing very important to tell you, but is
very difficult to express my self because this is a private i
will be very happy if you can reply me through my private email:
(aja.adura01@yahoo.co.uk) thanks,
due have a wonderful nice day.
aja kiss you Aja,