The role of women in Pakistan

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Aufgenommen von zwei Teilnehmerinnen während unseres dritten EU-Workshops "HIS-Story" in Athen, im Rahmen des Lifelong Learning Programms nach Grundtvig, deswegen auf Englisch.

Christa is reporting about a travel to Pakistan, where she has visited several harems. Gunda & Christa are participants of the Lifelong Learning Partnership workshop HIS-Story. Like an adult learner Gunda filmed and we cutted and edited the clip together.

HIS-Story stands for the development of 3 key components in the learning partnership: - H: History; - I: Information and Communication Technology; - S: Seniors. The partnership explores new ways to collect memories of seniors by the use of videos and ICT.

This Grundtvig Learning Partnership has been funded with support from the European Commission. This statement reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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